Human being and software engineer

Hey! I am Cebrail . I am a human being and a software engineer!

I am a human being - to be exact - I am a married man in my 30s. I live in Denmark, in a city called Roskilde. I love playing the instrument "baglama". And I do swimming in my free time. I do also love a good movie, I am big fan of Christopher Nolan and Quentin Tarentino.

I am a software engineer - to be exact - I am a software architect. I love my work, as software and computers have been my passion as for long as I can remember. As an architect, I sometimes miss getting my hands dirty though. Therefore, I have agreed with myself to spend more time on my interests in my free time. I have a lot of interests in networking, home lab, Linux, and programming in general.

You can checkout out my CV here
You can follow my code projects here
You can follow my blog here

Ceb enjoying a coffee in Nyhavn